
5 Reasons Why I Love Living in Dallas

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5 Reasons Why I Love Living in Dallas

Dallas is a beautiful city with so many different parks, leisure opportunities, and easy access to the outdoors. There are mountains within an hour away from most parts of Dallas. It’s also very affordable for all different kinds of people. Many great restaurants are in the downtown area that gives us amazing cuisine without having to go outside of our own city. I love that almost anyone can move here successfully because it offers so many options for each person individually! The best part of living in the city is that there are job opportunities everywhere.

Dallas is constantly growing, which allows us to invest in our future without fear that the opportunity will become extinct or leave for another city. Here are 5 reasons why I love living in Dallas!

The People

One of my favorite things about living full-time in Dallas is the people. I’ve met so many incredible individuals here and have been able to keep a lot of friendships from all parts of my life. It’s effortless to find a balance between working on your career and staying active with friends. Most people I meet are eager to show me where some pretty cool spots are located for fun weekends. In the past 12 months, I’ve been able to have a lot of exciting experiences that have included going on road trips to Austin with different groups of friends, camping in various parts of Texas, and spending a weekend in Houston for a bachelorette party! I also love being able to talk about all of my favorite spots with friends and family back home!

Opportunities for Growth

Dallas is a great place to be if you want to start a company, manage a franchise, work as an independent contractor or have multiple jobs. The growth opportunities here are endless. I have friends working on starting businesses here in Dallas, from fashion to restaurants, blogging, and other creative adventures. I know many people who have been able to do really well for themselves here because the city is embracing its growing population and supporting individuals as they grow their careers.

The Food Scene

Dallas has a great food scene. There are so many options from healthy to comfort to vegan/vegetarian dining! I love that there are so many restaurants here, and most of them have really good reviews. I’ve had the opportunity to eat at places like Spiral Diner, Spiral Cafe, Meso Maya Cuisine, Tei-An Japanese Restaurant, and even a cotton candy bubble tea joint! Dallas has a ton of vegan-friendly spots too! It’s incredible to have all of these dining options in one place.

Housing Prices are Affordable

Dallas is an awesome place to own property or live if you want to rent for a short or long period of time. I’ve never seen apartments rent for this low anywhere else! This allows individuals who are new to the city, transplants from other states, or students studying/interning in Dallas to have an affordable place to live. Renting is also less expensive than owning for many people. There are tons of luxury high-rises and houses all over the city, so you can definitely find something that fits your budget!

The DFW Airport is Really Easy to Get Around

It’s very easy to get around the city by plane or car. I always have a great time on road trips if I have friends coming into town to visit me! I can take my dogs to visit family in Florida for under $300 roundtrip. Dallas is also an international destination, so there are tons of places to go and see if you have a few days off from work.


I hope this list helps someone to realize how great Dallas is! I know that there are many people that aren’t from here but have been able to come and live successfully because it’s so easy to find something for everyone. I hope you enjoy the city as much as I do!


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