
How to Make Rent Without Having to Stress About it

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How to Make Rent Without Having to Stress About it

It can be tough to make rent every month, especially if you’re not working a 9-5 job. Here are some tips on how to make rent without having to stress about it:

Negotiate with your landlord

This one might seem a little daunting, but it can’t hurt to ask. If you’re a good tenant and have never missed a payment, your landlord might be willing to work with you on the rent price.

If you’re a good tenant and have never missed a payment, your landlord might be willing to work with you on the rent price. Maybe they’ll be willing to lower the price, or perhaps they’ll agree to a payment plan that works for both of you. Either way, it’s worth trying to negotiate with your landlord.

Find a roommate

If you can’t afford to live independently, finding a roommate is the next best thing. Not only will you save money on rent, but you’ll also have someone to share the household responsibilities with.

When looking for a roommate, it’s essential to be choosy. You want to make sure that you’re compatible with the person you will be living with. Some things to consider are:

  • Do you have similar interests?
  • Do you like to keep the house clean, or are you okay with a little bit of messiness?
  • How often do you want to socialize?
  • Do you want someone who is always home, or are you okay with someone who travels often?

Once you’ve found someone compatible with your lifestyle, it’s time to talk rent! You can either split the cost in half or come to an agreement that works best for both of you.

Look for affordable housing.

There are plenty of affordable housing options out there; you just have to know where to look. Websites like Craigslist or Padmapper can help you find places for rent in your price range.

If you live near a college or university, check if they have any graduate or transfer housing available. They might offer discounted rates because they’re trying to attract new students.

Find a side hustle

If you’re looking for some extra cash, why not try working a side job? There are plenty of opportunities to make money, such as driving for Uber or planning events.

Working a side hustle can be a great way to make extra money. There are a lot of opportunities to make money, such as driving for Uber or planning events. If you’re looking for some extra cash, why not try working a side job?

Take on freelance jobs.

If you have particular talents like writing or editing, try finding people who need those skills and offer your services at a lower price than usual! You’ll still make the same amount of money but in less time. Freelance work can be a great way to make some extra cash without committing to a full-time job.

Move to a “cheaper” area.

If your rent is killing your bank account every month, maybe it’s time to move somewhere cheaper! Check out neighborhoods in the next town over; you might be surprised at how much of a difference saving $300 can make!

Downgrade your lifestyle

If you’ve already tried the above tips and your rent is still too high, maybe it’s time to take a look at your lifestyle. Do you need that car or a fancy phone? Can you live without going out every weekend? The less you spend on silly things, and the more money will be available for important things like rent.


Renting can be tough, but there are plenty of ways to make rent without having to stress about it. You’ll have more money available for important things like groceries or living expenses if you’re able to negotiate with your landlord, find a roommate that is compatible with your lifestyle, take on freelance jobs to earn some extra cash without committing full-time hours, move somewhere cheaper if possible and downgrade your lifestyle, so you don’t spend too much money on frivolous items. Let us know how these tips helped you out!


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