
Tips for Finding a New Apartment in the Woodlands

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Tips for Finding a New Apartment in the Woodlands

Consider your commute

A 2015 study found that of those who lived within what felt like a comfortable distance where they didn’t need to worry about traffic, only 34% of them actually bought. Secondly, people who lived closer to work or walkable neighborhoods (eight miles or less) were more likely to move out independently.

If you are willing to live close enough to work that it isn’t a long commute, then you can be picky about where your apartment is located. Because of this, some suburbs may cost more than living in the city center.

Find a place with amenities you’ll use

Living in an apartment complex with many amenities can be really nice. You may not have to leave the complex to go to the grocery store, go out to eat, or get a workout in. This can be really convenient, especially if you don’t have much free time.

When looking for a new place to live, make a list of the essential amenities and then find complexes that offer those amenities. This may include things like a pool, gym, on-site laundry, and free parking.

Beware of scams and hidden fees.

One thing that you should be aware of when looking for apartments is scammers and hidden fees. Scammers often use online classifieds as a way to get money from people who are trying to find an apartment. They may tell you to wire money, or they “can’t” show you the apartment because it’s too far away. Similarly, hidden fees might include things like pet fees, utilities not included in rent, and application fees before you even see the apartment.

If possible, find a realtor and ask if they would be willing to take you on a tour of properties that meet your criteria. This will ensure that you don’t get any unpleasant surprises when looking for an apartment.

Look for a good management company.

When looking to find a management company for your apartment, make sure they offer the type of service you want. You may prefer to work with a company that provides 24/7 customer service or one that provides more hands-on services like maintenance and repairs. Once you know what type of company you want, you can start looking at properties that will work with the management company of your choice.

Know your budget

Having a budget is crucial when looking for an apartment. However, you should have a general monthly budget in mind, not the cost of each individual apartment. This may include things like transportation costs, food costs, and utilities.

You don’t want to stay on top of your spending since that can become tedious. However, you should know what you are willing to spend on rent so that you don’t go over budget.

Don’t forget to look at the neighborhood!

The neighborhood you live in may significantly impact your quality of life. When people are looking for an apartment, they usually have concerns about the safety of the area, noise level, and proximity to what they need. Before committing to an apartment, make sure that this is the right environment for you! For example, if you’re close to work or school, then being near those areas can be very convenient. If you prefer quieter areas where things are less expensive, then it might be worth driving farther out for a better lifestyle which means traffic won’t be as bad.

Get references from previous tenants or landlords if possible, and do a background check on them as well.

References are crucial when looking into an apartment because they can give insight into what it’s like to live there. If you’re not able to get references, then consider contacting previous landlords.

Doing a background check on the management companies may also be necessary. If the management company doesn’t have a clean record, there’s more of a chance of them being dishonest about other things on the lease, like an added pet fee or utilities not included in your rent. Any red flags are something you want to address before signing the lease.


This in-depth article has provided you with some helpful tips for finding the right apartment in The Woodlands. Whether you’re looking to find an affordable place close to work or school, a luxurious property that offers every amenity under the sun, or anything in between – this content should have given you enough information to start your search off on the right foot. If you need help finding apartments that meet your criteria and don’t want any unpleasant surprises along the way, let us know! Our team of experts is ready and waiting to partner with you so we can create a stellar plan tailored just for what’s important to YOU! Which tip resonated most? Let us know by commenting below!


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